Why the hell would anyone choose to run 100 miles…?

“Why run 100 miles?” It's a question I get asked a lot.
“I don't even like to drive the 100 miles.”
“What's wrong with you?”
“How long does it take to sleep?”
I’ve been reflecting on these questions as I prepare for my return to Leadville to run the 100-mile distance again.
Today, I decided to share “my why” for choosing to embark on this crazy journey.
Let’s dive in.
🗯️ The Challenge
I like to joke that I have a lot of demons, and running 100 miles is how I deal with them. While there's some truth in that, there's more. There's something about the challenge — the unknown.
No matter how fit or prepared you are, there’s a level of uncertainty ahead — the weather, how you feel on that day, fatigue, cramps, sunstroke, freezing temperatures, tripping over roots, rolled ankles, or even running into the darkness of the night. It's these risks, obstacles, uncertainty, inherent challenges, and the need to problem-solve that makes the race so alluring and fulfilling. But three things stand out for me this time around.
🧠 Setting an Example
I want to be a model for my son. I want to demonstrate what hard work, consistency, and focus towards a dream look like. Setting a meaningful goal, and coming up with a plan to execute it—hiring a coach, following a training plan, preparing physically and mentally, organizing the logistics and crew. Running from A to B (and back to A in this case) is simple to visualize and judge it’s success.
It’s a clear goal, with a clear outcome whether it is achieved or not. Though this is not my first time running Leadville. I've started the race three times and finished it twice, but in all cases, I struggled painfully through the last 30 miles. People say the race really starts at 70 miles. So this time, I really want to run a race that's controlled within myself for the first 70 miles.
And run that last 30 miles hard with purpose and grit.
❤ An Expression of Joy
While setting an example is a powerful motivator, it's not the only reason I'm drawn to this challenge. I've chased many goals in life for the wrong reasons. Seeking external validation or some external scorecard. But this time, I'm doing this to bring joy, inspire others to their own greatness, and to move people emotionally by witnessing the endeavor.
It’s an expression of joy and appreciation. A way to connect with nature and other people — fellow competitors, and my supportive crew that contribute to this experience. Not to forget the aid station volunteers who give their time day and night to support the runners on the course.
👐 Testing My Fortitude
This race is an opportunity to put into practice the determination, perseverance, and self-discipline I've cultivated through the #75Hard and #LiveHard program.
In one of my past attempts, I yielded to the thoughts of quitting when it got really hard. And I failed to complete the 100 miles. I will go into details about this experience in my next newsletter. Even though I succeeded in two other attempts, it was mostly a painful struggle towards the tail end of the race. But this time, I get a chance to test the fortitude I have developed doing the programs in a real challenging endeavor.
To see how my grit manifests in moments where things don't go as planned, and I have to adapt, and stay resilient. A true trial of my ability to problem solve, overcome setbacks, and push through moments of darkness. A time to really put myself to test.
(If you are fascinated by why someone would take on a challenge like running 100 miles then check out this incredible video by award-winning filmmaker, Billy Yang)
🌟 What's Your ‘Why’?
What is something bold and challenging that you've pursued in your life?
Why are you choosing to embark on such a journey?
I'd love to hear your responses.
With appreciation,
PS: If you're struggling to decide on a big, meaningful, scary, challenging goal, shoot me an email. Happy to brainstorm ideas with you.
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