What is your Misogi for 2025?

As the year draws to a close, many of us reflect on our goals and achievements.
But there’s one question worth asking:
What’s the one thing you could do in 2025 that would change everything? Something bold enough to shape your growth for the next 12 months.
So significant it transforms the way you think, feel, and operate.
Most people don’t set goals like this because they’re afraid to fail.
And safe goals don’t spark the breakthroughs that can redefine who you are.
But you’re not most people.
You’re here to break boundaries, not just meet them.
So what if 2025 could be the year you choose a misogi?
Let’s dig deeper into this concept.
🗯️ The Question Over Breakfast
A few months ago, I sat down at breakfast with my cousin Morgan, surrounded by an inspiring group of people.
The table was alive with light, fun, and inspiring conversations.
It was the kind of morning that fills you with energy and possibility.
Out of nowhere, Morgan asked a deep question that made everyone stop.
"What's your misogi?"
I'd heard the word before but hadn't really thought about it.
Misogi is a Japanese word for a big goal for the next 12 months—so challenging, so meaningful, so profound that achieving it will make the year in all aspects.
Morgan explained that a misogi doesn't have to be something outrageous like climbing Mount Everest or running an ultra-marathon.
It's about picking something that feels out of reach.
Something that scares you a little but excites you a lot.
For some, it could be rebuilding a broken relationship.
Imagine the ripple effects that could have on your family and future.
For others, it might be committing to an intense program like #LiveHard and ending with daily acts of kindness.
By the end of breakfast, I couldn't stop thinking: What's my misogi for 2025?
Now, I want to pass the question to you.
🧠 Your Safe Goals are Holding You Back
Safe goals are like soft cushions.
They feel good in the moment, but they lull you into complacency.
They don't demand anything new from you.
They let you operate on autopilot, relying on the same habits, mindset, and systems you've always used.
You're hitting targets, staying on track, and feeling accomplished.
But over time, you lose the thrill that comes with pushing your boundaries.
That spark you used to feel when you tackled bold challenges begins to dim.
And since safe goals don't inspire you, that lack of inspiration trickles into other areas of your life.
Less energy in your decision-making, a growing sense of monotony in your work, or hesitation to take risks.
This then creates a self-reinforcing cycle: the safer your goals, the less inspired you feel. The less inspired you feel, the safer the goals you set.
Before long, the loop leads to frustration.
You feel restless, like something's missing, even when you're ticking off accomplishments.
You start questioning if you're capable of more—wondering if this is as far as you can go.
But it's not. The problem isn't you; it's the size of your goals.
If you don't challenge yourself, you can't grow.
And if you're not growing, you're not evolving into the person you're capable of becoming.
❤️ Step into the Fear, Find the Breakthrough
The solution here isn't setting more goals.
It's setting that one big goal that shakes you to your core.
A misogi is that kind of goal.
Interestingly, It’s not just about the goal itself, it's who you become in the process.
When you step into a bold challenge, something changes.
You realize fear is a choice.
It only exists in your thoughts to limit the imagination of the future.
These bold goals teach you to transform fear into focus and determination.
You begin to uncover strengths you didn't realize you had, building discipline, resilience, and creativity.
Yes, it will be uncomfortable, no doubt.
But this discomfort is exactly what drives the transformation.
With each step, you'll see the ripple effects: deeper connections, sharper instincts, and a newfound confidence that carries into everything you do.
So a misogi isn't just a goal, it's a declaration.
It's you saying, "I'm ready to grow in ways I've never dared before."
And the best part? It sets the tone for everything else in your life.
So what will you do in 2025 that would truly change you?
🤲 Define and Pursue Your Misogi
Choosing your misogi isn't about throwing a dart at the most challenging idea you can think of. It's a deliberate challenge that aligns with your deepest values.
Here's how to get started:
Start by clearing the noise: Take 10 minutes to unplug—no phone, no meetings, no distractions. Sit with a notebook and write down things that truly matter to you. This can be family, legacy, health, or vision for the future. You’re not brainstorming ideas just yet, you’re identifying your values and connecting to your "why". Because if your misogi doesn't pull from this deep well, you'll abandon it when the going gets tough.
Now ask the scary questions: Write down the answers to two powerful questions: What challenges have I been avoiding because it feels too big? If I attempted this and succeeded, how would it change me and my life? Don't censor yourself here. The first answers that come to mind are often the ones worth exploring.
Envision your future self: Time to get brutal. Imagine yourself one year from now and write down 10 things you'd like to achieve, drawing from the scary questions and your values. Write them in present tense, as if they have happened. Now imagine a magic wand could make only one goal come to pass today. Which will it be? Which one will foster the progress of the other 9 goals? That's the one you should start with.
Break it down, build it up: A misogi can feel overwhelming when you think about it as one giant leap. The key is to treat it like a puzzle, one piece at a time. Identify the first, smallest action you can take from that one big goal to start with. Not the whole plan. Just the first move.
Commit and share: The most powerful motivator is accountability. Once you've chosen your misogi, tell someone who will hold you to it. A coach, a trusted friend, or your team. Make it public enough to create stakes but personal enough to keep it meaningful. This act isn't about pressure, you're reinforcing your commitment to yourself.
🎯 What Will Define Your 2025?
What’s the one goal that will define your year and transform you in the process?
Will you aim for growth or comfort? Fulfillment or familiarity?
You’ve achieved great things before. Now it’s time to go further.
It’s about time you unlock a version of yourself that you’re yet to meet.
A version who thinks bigger, feels deeper, and lives with more clarity and purpose.
So, ask yourself: What fear am I willing to face to become the person I want to be?
I’ll leave you with the words of Joseph Campbell: “The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.”
Dare to enter. Your misogi awaits.
P.S: Need help uncovering your misogi? I’ve got a simple exercise that can guide you. Reply to this email, and I’ll send it your way. Let’s make 2025 unforgettable.
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