The people who got you here won’t get you there

The journey of entrepreneurship is full of twists, turns, and transformations.
And there's a hard truth most people don't talk about: the relationships that helped you rise to where you are today may not help you achieve the next breakthrough.
It's not because those people are no longer valuable.
But as you evolve, so must your network.
People struggle with stagnation because they've lost out on fresh perspectives.
In today’s issue, we’ll explore the essence of evolving your network.
🗯️ The Paradox of Elite Performers
A few months ago, I was on a walk with my family and bumped into a friend.
He's an eight-figure entrepreneur and an awesome go-getter.
We started chatting about elite performers and high achievers.
And I observed this funny thing: if you ask high performers what they need help with, they often say "nothing."
But when you ask if they'd like to be surrounded by Kobe Bryant-level people in their field, the answer is always "yes."
It's interesting because if you don't need help, why do you want to be around these people?
My point is we all know we can be better.
Even high performers want to achieve more or perform more authentically.
There's a saying: "You're the average of the five people you spend the most time with."
So if you're looking to achieve Kobe Bryant-level feats, you can't be surrounded by people who don't understand the drive for that ambitious goal.
It means it's time to find people who can get you there.
🧠 The Weight of Familiarity
It's easy to stay surrounded by people who "get" you.
People who've helped you solve problems, brainstorm ideas, and push through tough decisions.
But as you grow, so does the complexity of your challenges.
Their advice may no longer move the needle.
Their perspectives become tied to a version of you that's no longer aligned with where you're going.
And that can quietly become a cage.
You're not getting new insights that challenge your thinking.
Conversations become routine, and even predictable.
Your sense of innovation and creativity can dim.
And eventually, you start to feel like you’ve hit a plateau.
Walking away or even seeking new influences may seem disloyal, unnecessary, maybe even arrogant.
But it's not.
You're not breaking ties, you're just evolving.
So be careful to draw the line between disloyalty and demanding self-evolution of your thinking, actions, and yes, your relationships.
❤️ Build a Network That Elevates You
Picture yourself sitting in a room, and for the first time in a while, you don't have all the answers.
Around you are people who have built what you're striving for—companies bigger than yours, systems smoother than yours, and visions sharper than yours.
It may feel uncomfortable at first, but then you’ll realize this is exactly where you're meant to be.
Because a proven way to evolve is to surround yourself with people whose every conversation leaves you energized, whose insight makes you think bigger, and whose connections open new doors.
When you surround yourself with people like this, you're exposed to ideas you've never considered.
You're encouraged to take bold steps, even when it feels uncomfortable.
Constantly learning, evolving, and strategizing your goals.
You're pushed to think harder, move faster, and execute better.
You see gaps in your strategies that you couldn't see before.
You become open to ideas that make your head spin but in the best way.
You're reminded of how much potential you still have and how much more you're capable of achieving.
You’re not feeling stuck.
You’re not second-guessing your decisions or wondering if you're thinking big enough.
You feel energized with a healthy hunger for more.
And when the bigger opportunities come, you're ready to take them on with strong confidence.
🤲 Build Your Next-Level Network
It's not just about meeting new people, you need to curate relationships that expand your potential.
You can start by practicing any of these steps:
Get uncomfortably intentional: Picture the person who's already playing at the level you aspire to. Where are they spending their time? Start showing up there. It could be an exclusive conference, a niche event, or even a mastermind group. High-level connections aren't built by accident, you must place yourself where those people are.
Bring value first: When you meet someone who inspires you, listen. Find out what drives them, and pick out ways you can add value to their journey. Offer an introduction, share a resource, or even lend an unexpected perspective.
Level up your conversations: Basic talks can get boring so push for depth. When you connect with someone you admire, ask them about the hardest decision they've ever made, or the most surprising lesson they've learned. It's these conversations that leave a lasting impression and create meaningful bonds.
Invest where it matters: Don't just hope for mentorship, seek it out and invest in it. Hire a coach who has already walked the path you're on, or join an elite mastermind group. These are accelerators. The guidance and accountability you'll gain can shorten the gap between where you are and where you want to be.
🎯 Who’s in Your Room?
Think about the five people you spend the most time with.
Do they inspire you to grow?
Push you to think bigger?
Challenge you to become unstoppable?
Or are they keeping you in a place that no longer fits the version of you that you’re building?
Your network can either be your greatest asset or your silently hold you back.
So make the choice today to seek out a new network that will serve as a connector to your next level.
P.S: Ready to join a community of high-performing CEOs, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders? Our #75hard tribe focuses on mental toughness, accountability, and strategic growth. Members get exclusive access to peer mentoring, strategic partnerships, and high-level networking opportunities. Reply to this email if you're committed to pushing your limits, and I’ll see if you're a strong fit.
The Career Clarity Compass: my flagship coaching program on how to find more purpose and fulfillment in your career. I share 10 years of experience changing roles, buying businesses, starting companies and a proven path to take you to greater clarity and fulfillment. This course sets the stage for a new era of happy and empowered high achievers. Request a free Career Clarity Call to see if you are fit to work with us.
Conversations & Connections for HBS Alumni: an invitation-only, 60 minute virtual gathering twice a month, to connect with and engage in a meaningful conversation with your fellow alumni. No slides. No recording. No teaching. True connection. Bring your most pressing life/career question.
Monthly Masterclass - From Working Hell to Living Well: in this free 60 minutes workshop, learn 3 tools to eliminate burnout, increase fulfillment and find more satisfaction in your current job TODAY.
Book me to Speak: keynotes and workshops from an ex-Bridgewater Associates alum and serial entrepreneur that inspire and motivate your audience to greater engagement, creativity and resilience in their work.

Founder & CEO