Woman closing the gap between success and fulfillment represented as 2 separated rocks
Woman closing the gap between success and fulfillment represented as 2 separated rocks
Woman closing the gap between success and fulfillment represented as 2 separated rocks


The one thing you’re ignoring…and it’s costing you


Ever feel like you're accomplishing so much yet something still feels off?

You’re pushing harder, and hoping the next achievement will fix it.

But your strategy or hard work isn't the solution—it's something quieter.

Something you've unintentionally brushed aside.

Most people never figure this out because they’re driven by external wins and less focused on the most valuable asset to a fulfilling success.

Today, we'll uncover this gap between success and fulfillment, why it exists, and how to close it.

🗯️ The Blind Spot That Steals More Than You Know

If I could change one thing from the past, it'd be the years I betrayed myself.

I was so focused on the next big thing.

I had big, bold dreams that were exciting.

Or so I thought.

And for years, I attained admirable feats and checked off those goals with pride.

I was in the corporate world and had climbed the ladder to what you could call the corner office.

I was deep into the cycle of "I'll be happy when."

Funny thing is, I accomplished these things but the happiness never came.

I was successful but I didn't feel successful.

I wasn't satisfied.

I felt there was more to me, and I feared I might never be able to tap into that part of myself.

Until I discovered what I had been ignoring for years.

And the price was my happiness and fulfillment.

I realized I had been trading my joy and downplaying my potential.

For what?

Expectations, external validations, and pats on my back.

But it's been 10 years since I retraced my steps.

And I've never looked back since then.

🧠 What Are You Ignoring?

You're focused, driven, laser-locked on the goals ahead.

The revenue targets, market dominance, accolades, and all the things you've worked so hard for.

But somewhere along the line, you lost touch with the values and principles that protect your sanity and happiness.

You compromised on your standards.

You made decisions in your business that contradict your principles.

You tell yourself it's necessary for you to hit the next milestone.

But your values are what? Building a legacy, creating freedom, honesty?

Which of these requires proving you belong, neglecting your joy, or chasing external approval?


And for so long, you've ignored the things that fuel your ambition, the relationships that matter to you, or the integrity you swore by.

Now you're sprinting full speed on a path that doesn't feel like yours anymore.

So instead of fulfillment, there's tension and restlessness that sometimes show up as frustration or guilt.

Other times it's just this low hum of dissatisfaction that follows you around.

Your focus is diluted, your vision now seems blurry, and you're losing trust in yourself.

A little hesitation here, a compromise there.

Resentment, burnout, even broken relationships.

And all the wins in the world can't fix it.

❤️ You Don’t Need More, You Need Values.

When was the last time you paused to ask why you're doing all this?

The late nights, the impossible deadlines, the goal you’re chasing is all for something, right?

When you reconnect with your values, be it growth, authenticity, or freedom, you stop reacting to the distractions of life.

You become in full control of your actions.

You make decisions with clarity because you know what matters most.

You’re building a business that doesn't just succeed on paper but actually feels fulfilling.

You show up sharper, confident, unshakeable.

Your clarity and conviction will attract teams, clients, and partners that connect with your vision and energy.

You'll be quick to say no to things that'll rob you of your happiness even if they're going to add more dollars to your account.

That client’s request doesn't connect with your values? You know better than to accept the deal.

Because you choose to make that money and be successful without losing sleep.

That's how you lead your life from a place of conviction, not compromise.

🤲 Reclaim Your Compass

I've allowed life's distractions prey on my happiness.

But I overcame that over a decade ago, and it’s one of the best decisions I’ve made.

Here are some tips I used that can help you too:

  1. Identify your core values and then rank them: Think about the things that are non-negotiable to you. Things that you've built your life and business on. Is it growth? Family? Freedom? Impact? Next, think about things that make you super mad. The opposites are definitely of value to you. Note them and rank them based on what comes first because values in a vacuum are not valuable.

  2. Audit your calendar through your values: Open your calendar and ask one simple question: "Does this reflect my priorities?" You'll find meetings, commitments, and tasks that align, and others that pull you away. Cut or delegate what doesn't serve your top values. Focus on what matters.

  3. Vet your commitments: Draw up your top 10 priorities right now. You want to be sure those priorities are really priorities. What relationship is cutting you off from your values? What contract or client is making you compromise your standards? What are you losing sleep over? What’s challenging your principle? Which of these things make you feel less happy? Well, now you know what aren't really your priorities. Course-correct. Your value-aligned priorities should feel opposite of all these.

If you're honest, you might find what you've been chasing isn't even on the list.

🎯 Values or Vices?

What would you do differently if you didn't have to make any compromise?

What would change if your daily actions matched the values you care about most?

Your values are the roots of everything you've built, and the foundation for your next level.

Ignore them, and you risk building a life you may grow to hate.

Honor them, and you step into clarity, purpose, and unshakable focus.

So, what will it be?

The answer isn't out there, it's in the choices you make right now.

P.S: If this resonated with you and you're ready to align your success with your values, I'd love to help. My mastermind program specifically for elite performers who want to achieve more while staying true to themselves. Reply to this email, and I'll guide you through building clarity, discipline and focus to become unstoppable and unfuckwithable.

The H3 Connection

A weekly newsletter for ambitious achievers on how to align your Head, Heart and Hands to find more fulfillment in your career and life.

Whenever you're ready, there are 4 ways I can help you:
Whenever you're ready, there are 4 ways I can help you:
  1. The Career Clarity Compass: my flagship coaching program on how to find more purpose and fulfillment in your career. I share 10 years of experience changing roles, buying businesses, starting companies and a proven path to take you to greater clarity and fulfillment. This course sets the stage for a new era of happy and empowered high achievers. Request a free Career Clarity Call to see if you are fit to work with us.

  2. Conversations & Connections for HBS Alumni: an invitation-only, 60 minute virtual gathering twice a month, to connect with and engage in a meaningful conversation with your fellow alumni. No slides. No recording. No teaching. True connection. Bring your most pressing life/career question.

  3. Monthly Masterclass - From Working Hell to Living Well: in this free 60 minutes workshop, learn 3 tools to eliminate burnout, increase fulfillment and find more satisfaction in your current job TODAY.

  4. Book me to Speak: keynotes and workshops from an ex-Bridgewater Associates alum and serial entrepreneur that inspire and motivate your audience to greater engagement, creativity and resilience in their work.


Founder & CEO

A seasoned entrepreneur, coach and speaker that empowers Ivy League-educated overachievers to find deeper fulfillment in their lives and careers

A seasoned entrepreneur, coach and speaker that empowers Ivy League-educated overachievers to find deeper fulfillment in their lives and careers

A seasoned entrepreneur, coach and speaker that empowers Ivy League-educated overachievers to find deeper fulfillment in their lives and careers

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All rights reserved © 2024 Huw · H3.xyz — Design & Development by rinconelloinc

All rights reserved © 2024 Huw · H3.xyz — Design & Development by rinconelloinc