Lost your mojo? How to lead even when you’re unsure

Hey Reader,
Even the best leaders experience moments of self-doubt. It’s easy to assume that confidence is a permanent state, or that successful leaders are always sure of themselves. How wrong.
Moments of uncertainty hit everyone, no matter the level of success. Yep, we all have that “Am I really cut out for this?' moments. Most leaders stumble because they believe they always have to be sure before acting. What separates great leaders from the rest is not the absence of doubt but the ability to lead effectively even when they’re unsure.
Today, we’ll explore how to maintain leadership authority when confidence wavers.
🗯️ The Story of Howard Schultz
In 2008, Howard Schultz returned as CEO of Starbucks during one of its most challenging periods. The company was facing plummeting sales, a drop in stock prices, and a global recession that threatened its stability. Even though Schultz had led Starbucks through growth before, this time was different. There was doubt about whether the company would survive the economic shutdown.
Instead of yielding to doubts or taking a safer route, Schultz acted regardless. He closed 7,100 stores temporarily for a nationwide employee retraining program. He also made the controversial decision to scale back on expansion plans, and refocus on the company’s core values to enhance product quality. Many questioned whether it was wise to take such risks when the company's future seemed so unstable.
But what happened? Starbucks emerged stronger as a reputable global brand. The question is — what did Howard lean on when he needed to act even when he was unsure?
Let’s find out.
🧠 Values > Doubts
If you had to make a choice between adventure or stability, which would you choose? Got your answer? Great! Why did you choose your answer? Because your choice is tied to something that matters to you — like the thrill of new experiences or the love for a secure routine. You see, even in this simple situation, your decision was guided by your values.
Imagine applying this to leadership challenges. Howard Schultz chose to go back and reinforce the core values of the brand - Quality. Why close thousands of stores in the midst of such crisis and lose millions? Why organize a nationwide employee retraining program which will cost money when the company is already losing money? Because what matters the most will force you to ask the tough questions that will help you make tough decisions for better outcome.
His decisions, no matter how crazy they looked, were influenced by core values. And it did not mislead him. Interestingly, making value based decisions develops our intuition. The thoughts racing in your head are often associated with fear, but your intuition is influenced by your values.
Even in doubt, trust in them.
❤️ Values → Intuition
Ever wondered why we are often told to trust our intuition? Why trust it even in the face of uncertainty? Because your intuition directs you to what matters the most. Values.
It’s safe to say that Howard trusted his intuition in the face of such crisis. But what built his intuition? With the multiple ideas that must have crossed his mind, where did the bold move he took come from? The values of the company.
The point is, we sometimes cringe when we are told to listen to our intuition because we don’t really know how to go about it. One can ask: “How do I know it’s my intuition talking to me”? The answer is — your intuition is driven by values.
So trusting your intuition is turning to the principles that guides you or your business for inspired action.
🤲 When Confidence Wavers…
We all experience moments of self doubt. But decisions’ have to be made.
Here are 4 steps to guide you when experiencing self- doubt:
Outline the scenario: What challenge are you facing? What difficulty is your business faced with?
Identify the core value: Identify the values that define you or your organization. Be it unity, growth, flexibility, quality, or stability.
Ask yourself: Which of the core values does the challenge directly affect?
Take inspired action: If you were to convert that value into action, what will you do to counter the challenge?
Look at it this way:
Howard put “Quality” into action by closing down thousands of stores, and organized a retraining program all in a bid to reinforce the brand’s commitment to quality. What was the result? Better consumer experience. And a win for everyone. Was it an easy decision? Of course not. But it was worth it. Practicing these steps will provide value-driven insights to help take action when in doubt.
💪What is Your Starbucks Moment?
What tough decision are you unsure about? Let your values guide you. And before you know it, you’ll create the momentum you need to carry on. Leadership is not about having all the answers. It's about taking that leap even when you're not 100% sure.
P.S.: The key to value-based decisions is knowing your values. Are you struggling with identifying your core values? That makes up a pillar of my new framework. Feel free to reply to this email. I’m happy to walk you through the process.
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