Lessons I learned from doing 75 hard

Hey Reader,
In 75 days, I experienced a transformation that helped me:
Up-level my standards
Improve my resting heart rate
Take back control of my fitness
Sleep like a baby with a full belly
Quit wasting time on meaningless shit
Gain clarity on how to achieve my purpose
Build the fortitude to tackle things I’ve been avoiding
Last time, I shared my reason for doing #75 hard, and the amazing transformation. Today, I’ll dive deep into the drastic changes I observed beyond the clear physical results. This isn’t just about me, but the benefits you too can gain from this mental toughness program.
Let’s dive in.
🧠 365 Mental Clarity
One striking thing I gained from this program is clarity. Clarity about what’s important to me and what I want to achieve — all those goals I had set for myself but wasn’t getting it done. Now, I know what to do each day and the biggest part of this is the confidence I feel. Confidence in myself, my goals, vision, and purpose. I no longer doubt myself or feel like an impostor.
It feels like I’ve silenced the critic in my head, or as Andy Priscilla will call it “the Bitch Voice”. A very sneaky voice that knows exactly what to say to you to get you to not do the things you don’t want to do. Lately, I realized that voice has diminished in volume and energy. I’ve become a lot more focused, clear, confident, and convinced as I go about getting shits done.
This is a subconscious buildup from consistently and relentlessly tackling the program’s daily tasks.
📌 Mastering Daily Discipline
Does this mean I completed every other task in my day? No. But I prioritized these five critical tasks daily without fail, and that built a ton of confidence.
It also ingrained the habit of enjoying my workouts in the morning, and in the evening after putting my son to bed. I relish eating healthy, learning from the books I read, and drinking a gallon of water each day, even when I go to a party or social event. This experience heightened my focus on my priorities every day.
I now visualize and plan my day better, and I no longer negotiate with myself, compromise my standards, or make excuses. I take action.
🤲 Power Through Consistency
Completing #75hard five critical tasks daily has empowered me to handle my day-to-day activities a lot better. Over 75 days, I got a lot more shit done in my work and in building my business. I saw profound results, gained new opportunities, and realized more audacious goals.
Now I feel inspired and confident to pursue new, bigger, more audacious goals with the energy and momentum I’ve gained from the program. A quote that resonates with me here is one from Kobe Bryant, where he says, “Rest at the end, not in the middle”.
The idea is to focus on getting things done, not just when you want to, but consistently do that hard work, regardless. In the past, that ‘bitch’ voice would make excuses for me like “oh, you need to rest more”. While rest and sleep are important, I was using that to procrastinate on what needed to be done. But this program has helped me squash that feeling.
Am I perfect? No. Have I dealt with everything I’ve been avoiding? Not yet. But I have made massive progress. And the exciting part is knowing that I WILL get everything done.
📌 Tangible Health Benefits
Physically, the results have been impressive. I lost tons of weight from increased activity, disciplined eating, and proper hydration. I noticed a significant improvement in my heart rate variability (HRV) and a reduction in my resting heart rate which is an indicator of health and fitness.
Interestingly, I sleep better than ever. Even with less sleep, the feedback from my app is fascinating — “shorter than ideal but highly restorative”. I no longer wake up in the middle of the night worrying about my business like in the past years. I sleep deeply without anxiety, waking up feeling refreshed and ready to crush my day. I recently just had a checkup and my blood pressure has never been better. It went from 120+/80+ to 105/69.
The program had a hugely positive impact on my health.
❤️ Personal Insights
I find myself much more pleasant, and feeling a lot more happy with myself. I got a lot of intuitive insights during the workouts in the morning, particularly outdoor workouts. I see things more from a place of abundance, and no longer find myself feeling and acting from a place of lack. I have stopped comparing myself with other people.
I am running my own race and appreciate the responsibility and freedom to be me. I’ve become a lot more appreciative and grateful for all the aspects of my life — family, work, and all the physical improvements happening week over week. The results throughout the program have made me appreciate the resilience and grit I have developed.
📌 UnwaveringConfidence
Another exciting part of this journey is feeling a lot less overwhelmed by unexpected tasks. Whether it’s taking my kid to the doctor, or helping out with business matters. Instead of feeling overwhelmed, I simply see it as another task to get done.
The program has instilled a relentless nature in me. I now tackle challenges head-on every day I’ve also become less concerned with what others think about me. I do what’s right without second-guessing myself.
I am a lot more direct and assertive in business engagements, and I’ve overcome my people-pleasing habits.
🧲 Commit to Change
Are you fed up with how you’re feeling?
Are you tired of constantly negotiating with yourself?
Then I invite you to commit to this program for 75 days.
This isn’t something you try out; it’s something you commit to that will develop you.
It doesn’t matter if you weigh 350 pounds and haven’t worked out in years, this program will change your life.
Since I started the program, six people in my close circle have been inspired to do #75Hard in different phases, and I have created a little community for them. If this resonates with you, know that there’s a supportive group you can surround yourself with to become who you want to be.
Shoot me a reply, and I’ll happily add you in when you’re ready to start the program.
With appreciation,
The Career Clarity Compass: my flagship coaching program on how to find more purpose and fulfillment in your career. I share 10 years of experience changing roles, buying businesses, starting companies and a proven path to take you to greater clarity and fulfillment. This course sets the stage for a new era of happy and empowered high achievers. Request a free Career Clarity Call to see if you are fit to work with us.
Conversations & Connections for HBS Alumni: an invitation-only, 60 minute virtual gathering twice a month, to connect with and engage in a meaningful conversation with your fellow alumni. No slides. No recording. No teaching. True connection. Bring your most pressing life/career question.
Monthly Masterclass - From Working Hell to Living Well: in this free 60 minutes workshop, learn 3 tools to eliminate burnout, increase fulfillment and find more satisfaction in your current job TODAY.
Book me to Speak: keynotes and workshops from an ex-Bridgewater Associates alum and serial entrepreneur that inspire and motivate your audience to greater engagement, creativity and resilience in their work.

Founder & CEO