It’s okay to crave more but here’s the problem…

Hey Reader,
Ever felt like you’re not living up to your potential, despite your significant achievements? You’re not alone. Many elite entrepreneurs face this struggle of being high achievers on the outside but feel a gnawing sense of underperformance on the inside.
You hit your goals. You achieve what most would envy. Yet you can’t seem to put this nagging, unsatisfying feeling to rest. Being able to break free from this cycle can positively impact your success. What’s the way out?
Let’s start with the root cause.
The Parable of the Climber and the Mountain
Arin was an experienced mountain climber who had reached many peaks and earned the respect of everyone around him. But no matter how much he achieved, he always felt something was missing. One day, he decided to climb the tallest mountain in the region, hoping it would bring him the sense of fulfillment he was looking for.
The climb was tough, and when he finally reached the top, he felt only tired and empty. A wise old hermit appeared and asked, "Why did you climb this mountain?" Arin replied, "To prove I could do it, to show others what I'm capable of." The hermit smiled and asked, "Did it make you happy?"
Arin realized he had been climbing for all the wrong reasons — to impress others, not because it truly mattered to him.
🧠 The Cycle of Underperformance
Feeling like you're not doing your best often comes from chasing goals that aren't truly yours - ones that others set for you, or that you pursue just to impress people. When you pursue something that doesn't align with your true desires, it's easy to lose motivation and focus.
You become increasingly inconsistent and start to procrastinate. Which is quite paradoxical given the amount of things you've done that led to previous successes. Then comes a growing sense of unworthiness, low self-esteem, and not being proud of yourself. This spirals into self-doubt, second-guessing, and negative self-talk. You might start feeling like an impostor, like you don't deserve your success. Overwhelm, stress and burnout sets in.
You sometimes feel you don’t even know what the hell you’re doing anymore. Fear of failure or fear of not living up to expectations starts to build. Which brings you back to the feeling of not living up to your potential.
It’s a negative cycle.
❤️ Reconnect with Your True Purpose
When the success you desire is for the wrong reasons, your goals are bound to disconnect from your core purpose. Safe to say it’s the first stage to the cycle of underperformance. An audacious goal backed by what genuinely matters to you is underestimated.
It’s easier to stay motivated and on track when your actions are inspired by you. This way, you’re not just chasing any goal but the ones that truly resonate with who you are. You’re less likely to feel you’re falling short. You are not stressed figuring out a project you started because someone told you it’ll be great if you pulled it off.
Do you really want to pull that off? Think of it this way. Chase a goal because every idea of it aligns with your values, not just for the glory of achieving it. Be careful to draw the line between stepping out of your comfort zone and stepping out of your purpose.
It’s okay to let certain goals go if they no longer serve you.
🤲 The Way Out
I have struggled with this vicious cycle of not living up to my potential. I dug deep into it and I’ve found these strategies helpful to break free:
Audit your goals. Ask yourself: if no one could know if you achieved your goal, would you still do it? If your goals aren’t intrinsic to you, and don't resonate with what you value, it's time to re-evaluate.
Establish personal standards that reflect your true aspirations, not what others expect you to be. This helps you stay consistent and focused on what really matters.
Join a mastermind group or attend industry meetups to connect with others facing similar challenges. Engage with mentors, peers, or coaches who can offer guidance and keep you grounded in pursuing your purpose.
🎯 Whose Goal Are You Chasing?
Every time you write down a goal, write this next to it - WHY? Be sure the answer is driven from within. Will you be happy with yourself or for yourself when you achieve it? If you’ll be happy WITH yourself, by all means take on that audacious goal.
One step at a time.
As long as each step leaves YOUR OWN footprint. It’s great to believe you can do much more than you have done. But when you feel you’re not living up to your potential, I encourage you to audit your goals. Because fulfilment is about making sure the path to your desired success is yours.
P.S Struggling with living up to your potential? That’s the core of my new mastermind. Feel free to reply this email, and let’s get started on your journey of being unstoppable and unfuckwithable.
The Career Clarity Compass: my flagship coaching program on how to find more purpose and fulfillment in your career. I share 10 years of experience changing roles, buying businesses, starting companies and a proven path to take you to greater clarity and fulfillment. This course sets the stage for a new era of happy and empowered high achievers. Request a free Career Clarity Call to see if you are fit to work with us.
Conversations & Connections for HBS Alumni: an invitation-only, 60 minute virtual gathering twice a month, to connect with and engage in a meaningful conversation with your fellow alumni. No slides. No recording. No teaching. True connection. Bring your most pressing life/career question.
Monthly Masterclass - From Working Hell to Living Well: in this free 60 minutes workshop, learn 3 tools to eliminate burnout, increase fulfillment and find more satisfaction in your current job TODAY.
Book me to Speak: keynotes and workshops from an ex-Bridgewater Associates alum and serial entrepreneur that inspire and motivate your audience to greater engagement, creativity and resilience in their work.

Founder & CEO