Inconsistency is your kryptonite

Many high achievers find themselves starting out goals with a burst of energy, but struggle to maintain their effort over time. One moment, you're firing on all cylinders, everything’s clicking, and you're making serious progress. The next moment, you’re falling off track, and things start to slip.
How did you get there? Inconsistent actions.
A sneaky enemy that can derail even the most ambitious plan.
Today we’ll explore how to tackle this challenge for lasting success.
🗯️ It Starts Slow
Years back, I set out on a goal to be fit.
I had thought to myself:
“I don’t only wish to be alive to welcome my grandchild”.
“I want to be healthy enough to play and make lots of fun memories.”
So losing weight and staying in shape wasn’t just a goal, it meant a lot me.
I laid out a training plan.
I even hired an old coach.
But things didn’t go as planned.
There I was.
Supposedly set out to be healthy, yet indulging in unhealthy habits — eating like crap, snacking at night, and skipping exercise routines.
I was consistent at first, but at some point, I started to derail.
It started slowly.
I was on track with my outdoor exercises, but I was eating poorly.
Deep down I knew I was not where I wanted to be, but I wasn’t doing what needed to be done.
And goals are not achieved with haphazard routines.
I was unhappy, restless, and disappointed in myself.
Did I finally achieve this goal?
Hell yeah!
But I made the decision to tame the enemy.
🧠 The Cycle of Inconsistency
Inconsistency is sneaky. You set out on a pursuit with strong motivation and good intentions. You’re progressing. Then something gets in the way - an unexpected event, a distraction, or a dip in motivation. You start to lose momentum. It starts small — maybe skipping a few tasks or deciding today’s not the day to push.
At first, it seems harmless. You even give yourself valid excuses why it makes sense. But it snowballs.
You start to lose track of what needs to be done, then try to catch up in a rush, only to fall behind again.
Each time you try to restart, it feels like you're starting from a weaker position. The frustration of constantly starting over begins to kill your enthusiasm. What once felt achievable now seems like an uphill battle. As you repeat this stop-and-go process, it becomes easier to justify taking longer breaks or abandoning the effort altogether.
You convince yourself that you’ll “start fresh next week” or that circumstances just aren’t right at the moment. This soon builds into self doubt. You start to undermine your ability to achieve that goal. You’re losing confidence, increasingly procrastinating, and battling anxiety. Frustration from unmet expectations set in. You become constantly worried about deadlines, results, and not living up to your potential.
Funny how what started as a little nap can lead to complete breakdown. So when you look both ways, and no one’s coming to save you but YOURSELF. What do you do?
❤️ Take Back Control Of Your Life
One way to crush inconsistency is to develop mental toughness. It builds discipline, grit, and resilience to commit to the goals and standard you’ve set for yourself. Your motivation can be tested.
You badly want to get things done, but your enthusiasm might fade. In moments like this, instead of waiting to feel motivated, mental discipline will push you to show up no matter what. It removes the decision-making process. There’s no “should I?”— you just do it.
Your priorities become clear. It keeps you on track with your plan, your goal, and vision at large. You do what needs to be done, even when you don’t feel like doing it. You stop wasting energy second-guessing yourself. Over time, this builds trust in yourself and the people around you. Your confidence grows stronger.
And you’re constantly moving forward even on days when it’s tough.
🤲 The Art of Cultivating Discipline
No matter how inconsistent you’ve become, you can overcome it. It’ll be fair to know that it won’t happen overnight. You have to put in the work. There are literally no shortcuts. You can start by practicing any of this strategy to tame the enemy:
Choose anchor habits: Identify one or two key habits that you already do consistently, like having your morning coffee. Use it as an anchor to build new habits. If you always have coffee at 8am, you can use that time to also plan your day or do a quick task.
Start small and build up: Commit to a tiny, manageable task related to your goal. If you want to exercise, start with just 5 minutes a day. The key is to make it so easy that you can’t say no. Over time, gradually increase the effort. This approach works for any goal.
Don’t bore your brain: Free your head from all those things you plan to do. It’s easy to skip a thing or two, and when it finally pops up, you’ll give yourself a thousand reasons to do it later. Use visual reminders or cues like sticky notes or phone reminders to keep your commitment in sight. Make sure it’s where you can see it.
It’s okay to delegate: Give someone else a chance to take off repetitive tasks from you. Maybe hire a VA to handle certain aspects of your business. This will free up time to focus on major routines.
Get an accountability partner: Find someone to hold you accountable. This could be a friend, family member, a coach, or even a support group. It’s easy to slip when no one is looking, but sharing your progress and setbacks can keep you committed.
Challenge yourself: commit to doing programs that can help you cultivate mental discipline. Don’t overthink it, just start. For me, it was doing #75hard. I’ve never been more disciplined since I completed this program.
🎯 Make The Decision To Commit
What areas of your life are you battling inconsistency? Maybe it’s your leadership style, decision-making, or the way you communicate with your team. If you don’t tackle this challenge, it can break trust with your collaborators, clients, business partners, and even yourself.
Opportunities can slip through your fingers because you're not showing up consistently. Every missed follow-up, every half-hearted effort, holds you back from reaching your potential. No one is coming to save you.
Commit today. You’ll be amazed how YOU can transform every area of your life.
P.S: Struggling with inconsistency? It’s a demon I put to rest years ago. One life changing step I took was doing the #75hard program. It’s physically and mentally transformative. I also have a growing community of elite performers in different stages of completing the program. Reply to this email if you’ll like to join.
The Career Clarity Compass: my flagship coaching program on how to find more purpose and fulfillment in your career. I share 10 years of experience changing roles, buying businesses, starting companies and a proven path to take you to greater clarity and fulfillment. This course sets the stage for a new era of happy and empowered high achievers. Request a free Career Clarity Call to see if you are fit to work with us.
Conversations & Connections for HBS Alumni: an invitation-only, 60 minute virtual gathering twice a month, to connect with and engage in a meaningful conversation with your fellow alumni. No slides. No recording. No teaching. True connection. Bring your most pressing life/career question.
Monthly Masterclass - From Working Hell to Living Well: in this free 60 minutes workshop, learn 3 tools to eliminate burnout, increase fulfillment and find more satisfaction in your current job TODAY.
Book me to Speak: keynotes and workshops from an ex-Bridgewater Associates alum and serial entrepreneur that inspire and motivate your audience to greater engagement, creativity and resilience in their work.

Founder & CEO