Are you clear on your purpose?

Hey Reader,
People have got great things going on for them. Building success and living their supposed dream lives, yet they feel a deep lack of purpose. Because they chase success without first understanding why they are pursuing it. Having a clear direction in life is essential for true happiness.
Today, we’ll explore how to find clarity for more purposeful living.
🗯️ The Wanderer’s Tale
There once lived a skilled wanderer who traveled far and wide, achieving great feats and earning many accolades. Despite his success, he felt a gnawing emptiness. One day, he met a wise old man who asked, “Do you know why you wander?” The wanderer replied, “To achieve greatness.” The wise man nodded and said, “Greatness is hollow without purpose. Find your true calling, and you will find fulfillment.” The wanderer realized he had been chasing achievements without understanding his true purpose, leading to his perpetual dissatisfaction.
🧠 The Trap of the Fixed Mindset
Many people today are caught in a fixed mindset: believing they must achieve certain milestones by specific ages. Own a business, get married, get rich, or attain a particular status. And so you’ve got a great job, making money, buying houses, building businesses, getting awards, and more.
Good things of life yeah? Why then do you feel empty within?
Because there’s no real sense of focus guiding your actions. The fixed mindset subconsciously pushes you to grasp opportunities within reach without assessing if it fits into your purpose. Understand that everyone is born with a unique purpose. In the words of Mark Twain, “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.”
❤️ Living Purposefully
It’s not about what you accomplish, but how those accomplishments resonate with your purpose. Instead of focusing solely on material success or external validation, build your life around a deep sense of purpose. Connect your actions with your drive and passion.
It’s good to have a great job, business, titles, and a successful life. It’s even better when these things are built around your purpose. This alignment gives your life a satisfactory meaning of existence, and fulfilment at large.
You become truly happy within yourself, not only in the company of friends and acquaintances.
🤗 What is Your Purpose?
The key to identifying your purpose is by first defining who you want to serve.
One of my favorite quotes is one by Pablo Picasso that says, and I’m paraphrasing: The essence of life is to discover your unique talents, and the purpose of life is to share them with others. Often, your purpose lies in serving the person you once were.
Think of it this way: Lots of people are still struggling with the challenges you overcame.
So, how can you help these older versions of you?
Think about the unique talents and skills that helped you solve some of the adversities you’ve encountered.
Note how effortlessly satisfied you felt when you solved them.
This is necessary because your purpose lies in your gifts, and gifts are centered around passion. By focusing on these steps, you can start to uncover your true purpose and live a genuinely happy life.
🛟 Define Your Purpose Today
Take a moment to ask yourself:
Are you truly happy with all the feats you’ve attained or are you unhappily successful?
Step off the treadmill of expectations.
It’s time to build a life that’s not just successful, but deeply meaningful.
It begins with knowing your “who.” — Who do you want to serve?
Get clear on this and watch how purpose transforms every aspect of your existence.
With appreciation, Huw
PS. If you’re ready to dive deeper into the practice of vulnerability, reply to this email. I have a guide ready to help you take the first steps.
The Career Clarity Compass: my flagship coaching program on how to find more purpose and fulfillment in your career. I share 10 years of experience changing roles, buying businesses, starting companies and a proven path to take you to greater clarity and fulfillment. This course sets the stage for a new era of happy and empowered high achievers. Request a free Career Clarity Call to see if you are fit to work with us.
Conversations & Connections for HBS Alumni: an invitation-only, 60 minute virtual gathering twice a month, to connect with and engage in a meaningful conversation with your fellow alumni. No slides. No recording. No teaching. True connection. Bring your most pressing life/career question.
Monthly Masterclass - From Working Hell to Living Well: in this free 60 minutes workshop, learn 3 tools to eliminate burnout, increase fulfillment and find more satisfaction in your current job TODAY.
Book me to Speak: keynotes and workshops from an ex-Bridgewater Associates alum and serial entrepreneur that inspire and motivate your audience to greater engagement, creativity and resilience in their work.

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